Dr. Jerry Alan
Johnson Ph.D, DTCM, DMQ

On-Demand Learning

“Medical Qigong & Daoist Alchemical Teachings”


From August 21st – 25th 2024.

Irvine, CA 


New Book

“Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy: A Comprehensive Clinical Text”

After graduating from the Hai Dian Medical Qigong College in Beijing and interning at several T.C.M. Hospital and Cancer Clinics in China throughout the 1990s, Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson wrote the following workbook titled, “Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy: A Comprehensive Clinical Text” and presented this massive tome to the Western public in the year 2000.

This was the first book of its kind, and it allowed Westerners to have a deeper look into the esoteric world of the PRC’s “Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy,” and its effective clinical applications.

The textbook was later incorporated in several Acupuncture colleges throughout the world, and Dr. Johnson received the title: “The Father of Medical Qigong Therapy in the West,” by Dr. Feng Lida, the President of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong.

After becoming Dean of Medical Qigong Therapy at two different Acupuncture Colleges, and teaching several hundred acupuncture students, Dr. Johnson eventually added to the current teaching placed inside this first workbook, and in 2005, this original work was initially expanded into five different clinical textbooks.

Kindle Copy

Doctor of Chinese Energetic Medicine


Martial Arts Training

Doctor of Chinese Energetic Medicine Certificate (D.C.E.M.)

Awarded by Bian Hua Gong (The Temple of Change and Transformation) Daoist Temple

An ancient approach of healing the body, mind, and spirit – these classes specifically designed for awakening and training one’s hidden energetic potential.

The seminars are now arranged as stand-alone teaching courses, which can be collectively combined in order to obtain a “Doctor of Chinese Energetic Medicine” certificate from the Bian Hua Gong (Temple of Change & Transformation) Daoist Temple.  




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