Professor Johnson’s
Amazon Kindle e-book versions

Chinese Energetic Medicine Books

Daoist Mysticism Books

Buddhist Mysticism Books

Christian Mysticism Books

Internal Martial Arts Books

The Jade Mirror of Lingbao Daoist Magic

The Zhengyi Daoist Lu: Registers of Magical Law

Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy Books

After graduating from the Hai Dian Medical Qigong College in Beijing and interning at several T.C.M. Hospital and Cancer Clinics in China throughout the 1990s, Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson wrote the training workbook titled, “Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy: A Comprehensive Clinical Text” and presented this massive tome to the Western public in the year 2000.

The textbook was later incorporated in several Acupuncture colleges throughout the world, and after becoming Dean of Medical Qigong Therapy at two different Acupuncture Colleges in both coasts, Dr. Johnson eventually added to the teachings placed inside his first workbook, and in 2005, this original work was expanded into the following five clinical textbooks titled “Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy: Volumes 1-5.”

In 2005, these five clinical textbooks were introduced to the Academic/Clinical Programs of the Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the International Institute of Medical Qigong (I.I.M.Q.) officially became the Henan University’s Overseas Medical Qigong College – with Professor Johnson overseeing the university’s international Medical Qigong courses as its official academic and clinical director. This historic action legitimized the I.I.M.Q. Medical Qigong Practitioner (M.Q.P.), Therapist (M.Q.T.), Master (M.M.Q.), and Doctor (D.M.Q.) programs within both the People’s Republic of China and the United States.

“The Lingbao Great Laws and Highest Teachings - Book #1”

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